Stop 4: Penang: George Town
After a rough night with a rather dodgy stomach I really wasn't looking forward to our 10hr journey into Malaysia today. Plus Thailand had been beyond incredible and it was sad to say goodbye. Boom was fantastic and took me to the pharmacy and so I was well drugged up and adviced to sleep, this I could do. About 5hrs in and we had made it to the border. It was quite odd, we had to officially leave Thailand and then walk across No Man's Land to enter Malaysia. Another stamp in my passport. It's annoying that they always want to stamp the same page though. On our new mini buses we noticed a change immediately, there were roads and so much traffic. It took us another 7hrs from the border to finally reach Penang. We did stop at a fancy Tesco department store hybrid on the outskirts on the way, which was pretty funky. Our hotel was the Grand Inn, and by the time we had arrived it was dark and rainy. By this point I was ready to sleep on a proper bed to hopefully wake up refre...