Stop 2: Surat Thani

The 11hr train journey was nowhere near as bad as expected. I slept the majority of the time, and managed the squat toilet with no issues. Such a pro. We were meant to be arriving at 4.24am.. one of the officials kept popping up and saying "2 minutes". By about 4.30 we finally stopped and were off the train and onto two mini buses.

We had all signed up to the extra activity Boom recommended, a visit to Khoa Sak National Park. This was about a 3hr journey, so we all napped on the way. We arrived about 7ish and gasped at the view, it was so amazing, it was quite cloudy and so atmospheric. Bikinis on and bags sorted, we all climbed into the boat ready to see "Hidden Thailand".

Dan kept joking that it was like Jurassic Park, as we pretty much had the lake to ourselves and it was so misty. Then Boom told us about the Gibbons hiding in the trees, they mate for life and then die of broken hearts. How adorable. We had the chance to jump off the boat and paddle in the lake. This was amazing! It was so peaceful and the water was so clear, I did get tired treading water though and had to hang on to the boat for a bit!

We splashed around and waved at the Asian tourists staying in the safety of their boat. Then it was back on to ours  and over to the restaurant. I cannot find the words to describe just how perfect this little spot of paradise was. We had free water, free tea and coffee and the best view ever. The lake, the limestone and the trees all perfect. We laid on the boardwalk and swam in the water. I surprised myself being graceful getting into my tube.

Lunch was interesting, fresh barbecued fish and rice, curry and stir fry. All followed by fresh pineapple and watermelon. So nice. I actually liked the fish! Not the curry though, it smelt funny and was really spicy. Back to the sun and relaxing, what a life. I could easily have stayed.

We were sad to leave, but posed for a group photo and clambered into the boat about 2ish. I waved goodbye to the lovely people and the beautiful scenery, but it wasn't too long until we were back. Eric had lost his phone. Damn Eric. No sooner had we turned round to go back.. and he had found it! Typical male not looking in his bag properly.

As we returned to the dock we could see more and more tourists arriving. It was worth being there super early to miss them all! Back on the buses we had another few hours driving and napping to reach our final destination for the next few days.. Ao Nang in Krabi.


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