Day 8

I was up nice and early again for work this morning, breakfast was sloppy omelette so I stuck to my cereal and jam roll. I was slightly early for the morning meeting and it was weird to see that people were already queuing for the shop. A busy day ahead me thinks. At the morning meeting, one of the main guys treated us to a samurai demonstration. It was quite something! We then did some stretching and jumping around, it was great to get the body moving. The plan is for every country to bring something to do every morning, should be interesting. From the moment we opened til 12.30, I spent my time managing queues. Basically I spent all morning shouting "CASH", I'm still amazed at how many people have been paying by card. It was actually quite fun, although my feet did start to hurt after a while. As we have a split shift today, I had a good 5 hours to play with. I walked over to the beach, hoping to get on as the tide was out and I fancied a stroll. I wa...