What the Promise means to me...

Tonight I had the honour of holding a Promise Ceremony for one of my Brownies. Over the years I've seen many girls make their promise (old and new) and it always sends me right back...

I joined Girlguiding as a Rainbow when I was four. I remember being very excited to make my promise for the first time, even though looking back I'm not sure I really knew what it meant. Back then, the meetings were more about having fun, making crafts and singing songs.
At Brownies we learnt more about what the promise, through our Starting Brownies book. The Brownie Story taught me to always be kind and helpful. I was always keen to help my leaders and fellow Brownies. As a Guide, I began to appreciate the promise on different levels, working within the community and leading others. However, I don't think I ever truly understood what the promise meant to me until I became a Leader...

Leading a Brownie Unit has challenged me in many ways. Being part of our girls' personal development, taking them from shy and hyper Rainbows to polite, honest and helpful Brownies, is fantastic. Not to forget the improvement and development in my own confidence, team work and organisation.

With regards to the new promise, I am proud to say that I do stay true to myself. I have grown a strong will over the last few years, and try not to cave to peer pressure. I aim to be a strong female role model for my girls and stand by my beliefs. It is important for them to understand that they don't have to be beautiful, rich or famous to follow their dreams.. as long as they are themselves.

Having travelled with Guiding across many countries, I think that I do "serve the Queen". When I was younger I used to imagine serving the Queen tea and cakes with her corgi. Now, I see this as representing Britain in a good light.. whenever I am abroad, I'm forever queuing and apologising and drinking tea!

For me, one of the most important messages within my promise is "to help other people". I have learnt to not expect gratitude or acknowledgement for being kind, and helping others. It is not about being praised and rewarded for volunteering, or staying longer at work, or teaching new skills.. if just one person can reap the benefits of these doings, I have done my best, and am satisfied.

For anyone inspired to join Girlguiding, click here.


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