The Joys of Packing...
Accompanying the excitement and anticipation of an upcoming break or holiday is always the dread of packing.
I have always hated packing with a passion. I either try to do it too early or too late. Too early and I have to repack about 50 times... too late and I have to race around town looking for things I've forgotten. And there's always the issue of packing all your nice clothes and being left wearing scraggy tops and leggings in the days leading up to leaving.
I have come up with a few packing tips that have always helped me...
1. Roll. Don't fold your clothes, roll them together and they take up less room and don't crease as easy
2. Stuff. Anything that can fit in something else, should do. I'm talking socks in shoes.. shoes in jumpers.. etc etc
3. Vacuum pack. Now this doesn't necessarily mean using those fancy bags. For years I kept my underwear in bags at guide camp and just squished the air out. Zip lock freezer bags are life-savers
4. Condense. You don't need as many clothes/shoes/cosmetics as you think. We all bring back clothes that we forgot to wear, so just take less
5. Be sneaky. Ach, the pain of weight limits on aeroplanes. Avoid being charged extra by packing as much as possible into your cabin bag.. these are rarely weighed, as long as they look about the right size, you'll be fine
If you have any extra tips on how best to pack, please post your advice in the comments.